WINGS was back with its Wednesday monthly meeting on the 1st of July, post lockdown.
The number of attendance clearly showed how much we missed one another's company. The rain and cold weather certainly didn’t hold back the 40 ladies who attended the meeting.
The theme of the month’s meeting was the Lock down Showcase. Perfect time to showcase what had kept us busy during the lockdown. But before that, the co-founders of WINGS and the host of the meeting Gina and Liane took us around the globe. We all stood on an imaginary world map, the countries we belonged to. Starting from New Zealand as a point of reference we made it to our countries, some a bit lost, some not quite sure how the map is working here. New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russi, Ukraine, UK, Tanzania, South Africa, USA, Canada are a few names that dotted the map at the meeting.
The lockdown showcased a variety of things people kept themselves busy with. One member found time to finish that tapestry which had been sitting incomplete for a number of year, the other made chocolate brownies all the time. Some showed us their artistic talents from making dresses for the dolls, to beautifully sketching out her loved ones using charcoal as a medium. Another member showed us her beautiful pottery.
Boots, Patchworked blanket and pillow cases, painting, headgear, were among the many things displayed. The joy of becoming a grandma during the lockdown was shared by another member. We even had an essential worker by profession and fashion designer by hobby amongst us who wore her cleverly designed tie skirt and she also wrote a poem.
The evening ended with pizzas and a mud marble cake.