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  • Jean

Visit to Te Puawaitanga Marae

What a delightful day seventeen of us WINGS ladies spent at the Te Puawaitanga Marae on Sunday 8th July. Once the welcoming call and the speeches were given in the Marae, we where ushered into the dining hall where we received warm hospitality from the Marae women.

WINGS visit to Marae on 8 Jul 2018 Pic 1

At first we all got stuck in and prepared our food for the hangi. That done, we were split up into three groups to learn and participate in traditional Maori craft. ie flax weaving, Maori design painting, poi making and kawakawa balm making.

WINGS visit to Marae on 8 Jul 2018 Pic 2
WINGS visit to Marae on 8 Jul 2018 Pic 3

We all enjoyed genuine warmth and interaction from the lovely, informative Marae women and left at the end of the armed with our newly learnt creativity.

Thank you Te Puawaitanga Marae.

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